Travellers may be asked by some airlines or at entry points to show proof that they have tested negative for the coronavirus, COVID-19. Carrying and showing the results of your COVID-19 test may not always be sufficient. A letter is sometimes required.
Our clinic can provide this. Here is the procedure we follow:
1. Have your COVID-19 test done at a testing center. We can help you locate one near you.
2. Check the result online. Assuming it is negative, download it. (We can help with that too.)
3. Book an online appointment with us, For the moment, choose "Follow-up appointment - 2 people". As you will see, the cost is $55.
4. At your online appointment, the nurse will ask you to send her your lab report. You can scan and email it or take a picture and email it. She will give you her email address.
5. She will also ask to see your health card, which you can hold up to the camera.
6. If all is well, the nurse will prepare a signed letter on clinic letterhead which states that your COVID test done on the particular date is negative. The letter specifies the type of test done. The nurse can mail it and/or scan and email it to you.
Please note that the test tells whether or not you are infected. It does not show if you have immunity.
As the need is occasionally urgent, we provide this service 7 days a week.